Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our New Apartment!

We didn't move but it feels like we got a whole new apartment. A few Saturdays back we spent the whole day just doing projects around the house. Our biggest one (and my favorite) is the huge curtain that now separates our living room from our bedroom! We actually have rooms now! We rearranged the furniture and decorations to help with the separation.

Here is our living/bedroom before- completely open and a little bit awkward when people come over...

Here is our bedroom AFTER! It actually feels a little private!

Here is our living room AFTER! You can actually be in here without having to stare into the bedroom!

This is what the whole space looks like now- two separate spaces,

and how much did this little project cost?
  • Two curtains from D.I. at $10 each
  • wire/hardware from Lowe's under $5
  • for a grand total of less than $25!

1 comment:

BYU 174 RS said...

Way impressive! Way to go!