Friday, January 21, 2011

Oh, Hello Again Blog...did you miss me?

I recently had this thought, "Oh, I have a blog. When was the last time I looked at it? It's probably feeling neglected...maybe I should post something..."

I bet you thought I was never coming back.
I bet you thought I had forever abandoned you.

In order to not make this the longest post EVER (because who would want to read that) I will give you a super quick recap on our lives since last June (*gasp* it really has been a long time):
  • We moved...not far away...but we LOVE this apartment and it has 2 bedrooms.
  • We work. I go to school.
  • Our brothers came home from missions and Guy's brother has been living in our 2nd bedroom since August.
  • We learned from the runaway incident (see last post) and Dexter has been sporting a handsome green collar/id tag ever since.
  • I'm graduating in APRIL...yep, that's in three months.
  • My Dad moved to Alaska for a job and the rest of my family is making plans to follow him soon. I'm still dealing with how FAR AWAY Alaska is... :(

And the most beautiful/exciting/mind-blowing/humbling/terrifying bit of news:

There is a beautiful baby girl growing in my belly.
After praying/wanting and grieving the loss from two miscarriages its hard to believe sometimes that this miracle is happening to us.
She's healthy. I'm healthy. We couldn't ask for more.
She is making her grand entrance this May (four weeks after I graduate).
I'm totally in love.