Thursday, June 4, 2009


For my birthday my family got me a brand new sewing machine (THANKS GUYS!) which was something I have been wanting for a while. Usually sewing machines HATE me and decide to break/get jammed whenever I am using them so I was hoping to overcome that and make some fun stuff with my new machine!
Our first sewing project was Guy's idea, we made really cute plush monsters. We just used old fleece blankets we never use, worn out jeans and old t-shirts for the material and drew a picture of what we wanted them to look like and started cutting! It was so much fun and I think they turned out so cute (Guy's is the purple spotted and mine is the one with the bow). We had a blast making them and now we might be addicted...

I thought the spikes were a really nice touch!

Mine kinda turned out like a girly potato.

1 comment:

Camee Anderson Faulk said...

Those are so cute!! So now what do you do with them?! haha

<3 Camee