Sooo, Guy has been saving up his pennies for a while now and finally bought himself this:
Its a Playstation 3, slim- the 120 gig one if you are tech savvy and know what that means. I have affectionately named this piece of sexy black machinery 'The Other Woman', because she now occupies a significant portion of my husband's time.
We only have two games right now: Modern Warfare and Little Big Planet.
This is Guy's game:
In this game you shoot and kill people.
He tried to teach me how to play it- and I lasted for 17 joke.
Its really hard, or maybe I'm just not a natural killer.
This is my game:
Its super fun! (and no killing required)
You play as a Sack Boy character (that cute little thing on the cover).
You beat different levels in a Mario style adventure, and you can even build your own!
Did I mention that its super fun?
The feature that I'm most excited about in this gaming system is that its also a Blu-Ray/DVD player! The Other Woman has booted our old DVD player off of the shelf, and rendered it obsolete. And now we can try those fancy Blu-Ray movies too!