My parents and siblings were going to Denver for their Spring Break that same week, so they stopped in Provo! They stayed here on the way down and on the way back, so I got to see them twice! My little brother and sister slept over at our apartment instead of fighting over the cots in the hotel room.
So even though I didn't get a spring break, it kinda felt like one with all the excitement with our fam in town!
This past weekend we drove up to Idaho to drop Lezlie back off at home and it was a great visit. We got to relax a little and spend some time with family. I hung out with my side of the family while Guy went paint balling with the boys. I FINALLY got to see my sister and her fiance! I hadn't seen them since before the engagement back when it was just Elise and her boyfriend instead of "fiance"! I don't think I could be any more excited for them, they are so great for each other!
The visit was super, the drive home-not so much. The roads got a little scary for awhile. We saw like 15 people slid off the road and at least 5 flipped over. It was really scary, but luckily Guy is an amazing driver.